+(91) 9545-835-225 / 7447-454-572

Major cities of Goa are equi-distant from our plant location.
Eg.  Panaji – 40 Kms , Mapusa – 35 kms , Ponda – 30 kms , Margao – 45 kms , Vasco – 47 kms

Our location is such that some of the major industrial hubs of our neighboring states like Maharashtra and Karnataka are also closest to us.
Eg. Belgaum  –  87 Kms , Kolhapur – 200 kms , Hubli – 160 kms , Dharwad – 137 kms ,Ratnagiri – 236 kms , Karwar – 120 , Udupi  – 337 kms

For exporting the goods , Marmugao Port is closest to us at a distance of 53 kms.

Distance from major markets and raw material source:
Mumbai : 567 kms
Pune :  424 kms
Bangalore : 837 kms

Access to all four mode of transport : Road, Rail, Sea and Air.

Ample availability of skilled as well as unskilled labours.

Safe and labour conflict free environment for  industries to grow and prosper.

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